LEVEL II – Masks: Who Are You?

Guest Price: $250.00$350.00

Who Are You?: In this first semester of Inner Transformation you are challenged to strip away your previous understandings of who you are and explore the relationship between your outer selves, inner selves and your essence. The Kabbalah teachings have a profound interest in revealing the masks (ie. selves, identifications, roles), you wear to ensure that you can answer the question: Are you wearing the mask or is the mask wearing you? What was oblivious now becomes obvious

Course Schedule:

  • Tuesdays 10:00-11:15am Mountain Time / 12-1:15pm Eastern with Melanie Gruenwald (Class meets: Sept 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, and 19)

Instructor: Melanie Gruenwald

*New! Sliding Scale Tuition Model