Reb Zalman (2005)

Intro to the Teachings of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Guest Price: $90.00$146.00

If you missed the first offering of this class- sign up early for our December mini-mester, an introduction to Reb Zalman!
Whatever stage of life you are in, “life review” is critical. This mini-course is inspired by the wisdom of Reb Zalman whose focus for some 30 years was on harvesting and sharing the gifts of our human experience. 

Classes are offered in-person and virtually through Zoom

Mondays, 10:30-noon MT/ 12:30-:2 Eastern/ 9:30-11 Pacific (Class meets: December 2, 9, 16)

Instructor: Dr. David Sanders

*New! Sliding Scale Tuition Model