Guest Price: $100.00 – $136.00
Soul: The study of Kabbalah enables us to discover what is hidden from our perception in plain sight. In this introduction to the basic teachings of the Kabbalah you learn to see beyond habituated and constricted thinking and become open to experiencing the connectivity of all of created reality—what is known in physics as Quantum Entanglement, in Depth Psychology as Synchronicity and in Kabbalah as Soul Connections.
Steven Brandwayn es un ejecutivo con amplia trayectoria, coach especializado en reprogramación cerebral y apasionado por la espiritualidad y la transformación personal. Con más de 20 años de experiencia liderando equipos y proyectos, combina su conocimiento en neuroplasticidad con un enfoque práctico para ayudar a las personas a superar creencias limitantes y desarrollar una mentalidad abierta y expansiva. Su profundo entendimiento de la Kabbalah, junto con su experiencia profesional y personal, le permite ofrecer una perspectiva única sobre cómo aplicar esta sabiduría ancestral en la vida moderna. Con manejo experto de inglés, español e italiano, Steven aporta una visión global y un enfoque auténtico a la transformación personal.
Steven Brandwayn is a seasoned executive, rewiring coach, and lifelong seeker of knowledge, blending over two decades of leadership experience with his passion for spirituality and self-transformation. Drawing from his journey in neuroplasticity and personal growth, Steven empowers individuals to shift from limiting beliefs to an expansive mindset. His deep understanding of Kabbalah, combined with his professional and personal insights, offers a unique perspective on integrating ancient wisdom with modern life. Fluent in English, Spanish, and Italian, Steven brings a global outlook and a profound connection to the transformative power of the human experience.
Steven will be updating and teaching Kabbalah Experience’s Level I Soul Class, through a more inclusive and accessible lens for the Spanish speaking community. This opportunity is made possible, thanks to a generous grant from Rose Community Foundation.
We were devastated to wake up on October 7 to learn about Hamas’s horrific attack on Israel.
We are clear on the following: Kabbalah Experience stands with Israel and all who suffer.
Hamas is a terrorist group, with the goal of destroying Israel and the Jewish people.
And Israel has the right to defend herself.
May our leaders and people recognize what we teach: There is no space devoid of you. Dlayt Atar Panui MeenayAll humankind comes from the source of One-ness. Borders are human constructs, created for keeping people in, and keeping people out.
May we recognize humanity, suffering, pain and loss, unfairness, trauma, helplessness, and all of the complicatedness of life.
Being silent is complicit.
Let us work together for peace and healing.
May we all find peace and wholeness through this traumatic time.
with hope,
Melanie Gruenwald, Executive Director
Dr. David Sanders, Founder and Spiritual Director
Michelle Friedman and Martin Morris, Board Chairs
Kabbalah Experience