Introduction to the Tree of Life by
Dr. David Sanders
Ten Sefirot of Nothingness Their measure is ten, which has no end. a depth of beginning, a depth of end. The One, finds expression in them all.
~ Sefer Yetzirah
The Book of Formation 1:5
This poem, a 2,000 year old description of Ten Sefirot-Ten Energies is the basis for the Tree of Life –a Kabbalistic map developed in the south of France in the 12th century in the mystic school of Rabbi Isaac the Blind. The Tree depicts the flow of energy from the infinite source (“above”) to the finite expression/manifestation (“below”).
In Transformational Kabbalah the Tree of Life becomes a pragmatic tool for seeing how and why things, people, and events manifest in our lives -and how and why we go about creatively manifesting things, people, and events. In the advanced study of the Sefirot each Sefirah represents a specific practice of awareness (11 Awareness Practices).
The Sefirot of the Tree of Life
Intellect Triad
2. Binah or Understanding: (uppermost on the left side) is the energetic flow of an initial idea and its fleshing out, fashioning its metaphor or formulating a story. The color is dark red which represents the “idea” congealing.
Emotion Triad
Instinct Triad
Start Your Spiritual Journey
A KE Practice (Meditation)
Deforestation is not just a global problem—it is very local, as in local to oneself. The Ba’al Shem Tov, a master of Kabbalah who lived in the middle of the 17th century, would ask his disciples: “Do you remember when you were but a seed?” Perhaps he meant that each person can connect to “when they are a seed”—when they are full of potential. This is the highest level of the soul’s consciousness to remember the seed that can always bring forth yet another goose. That is golden advice. What then is the metaphor for killing off your own goose that lays your golden eggs?