Kabbalah Experience is a 501(c)3, tax-exempt, educational organization that welcomes donations to support its operations and educational outreach. KE will publicly disclose total donations in the Annual Reports published on this website.
Support Kabbalah Experience on Colorado Gives Day!
Donate appreciated stock or real estate to Kabbalah Experience
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you’re 70 ½ or older you are eligible to roll over up to $100,000 annually from your traditional IRA to Kabbalah Experience and other qualified charities without being taxed. Contact your financial and tax advisors to determine what strategy makes sense for you.
Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
Many people create charitable savings accounts throughout the year. Kabbalah Experience receives grants from DAFs. Please think of us when making charitable gifts from your Donor Advised Fund.
Legacy Gifts
We want to be able to thank you in person and honor your intentions. Please let us know if you’ve included Kabbalah Experience in your will, trust, or retirement fund.
1. Create a digital account.
A digital account is needed to participate in King Soopers Community Rewards. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose.
2. Link your Card to an organization.
Selecting the organization that you wish to support is as simple as updating the King Soopers Community Rewards selection on your digital account.
1. Sign in to your digital account.
2. Search for Kabbalah Experience in the list provided
3. Enter the name or NPO number* of Kabbalah Experience
4. Select the Kabbalah Experience from the list and click “Save”.
KE will also display in the King Soopers Community Rewards section of your account. If you need to review or revisit your organization, you can always do so under your Account details.
3. Kabbalah Experience earns.
Any transactions moving forward using the Shopper’s Card number associated with your digital account will be applied to the program, at no added cost to you.
For support in making asset or legacy gifts to Kabbalah Experience or you have other related questions,
please contact melanie@kabbalahexperience.com or call 303.337.0959.
You may also support Kabbalah Experience by sending a check or making a donation through our website.