Special Classes and Electives

Discover new and interesting classes developed by our faculty

The national bestseller from one of our country’s most prominent rabbis, an inspiring book about the power of community based on one of her most impactful sermons.
In a time of loneliness and isolation, social rupture and alienation, what will it take to mend our broken hearts and rebuild our society?
Sharon Brous—a leading American rabbi—makes the case that the spiritual work of our time, as instinctual as it is counter-cultural, is to find our way to one other in celebration, in sorrow, and in solidarity. To show up for each other in moments of joy and pain, vulnerability and possibility, to invest in relationships of shared purpose and build communities of care. 
Integrating the wisdom of Kabbalah into the text, we will explore this book and its lessons to manifest greater connection and meaning in our lives.
Classes are offered in-person and virtually through Zoom:
  • Thursdays 10:00-11:15am Mountain Time / 12:00-1:15pm Eastern (Class meets: July 11, 18, 25, Aug 1, 8, 22, and 29)

Instructor: Melanie Gruenwald

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See All Classes Taught By Melanie Gruenwald

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a powerful resource for navigating the stresses and challenges of today’s crazy world and a somatic map for realigning your bodyheartmindspirit. In this class you will learn spiritual practices for accessing and embodying the Tree of Life to bring you into a calmer and more compassionate way of living. Come ready to experience a participatory class including guided meditations and movement.

This class is offered virtually through Zoom only (in-person not available):
  • Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:15pm Mountain Time/ 2:00 – 3:15pm Eastern (Class meets:  July 10, 17, 24, 31, Aug 7, 14, and 21)

    Instructor: Rabbi Jeff Foust

    Register Now!

    Melanie Gruenwald will lead a seven-week series on Jewish and kabbalistic approaches to managing through grief and loss. This series will address: our changing identities, personal narratives, building community, and exploring transformative awareness practices so we can live with greater attention and intention.
    Classes are offered in-person and virtually through Zoom:
    • Thursdays 8:30-9:45am Mountain Time / 10:30-11:45am Eastern (Class meets: July 11, 18, 25, Aug 1, 8, 22, and 29)

    Instructor: Melanie Gruenwald

    Register Now

    See All Classes Taught By Melanie Gruenwald

    Musar offers a framework and a toolkit for translating the philosophical wisdom of kabbalah into a personalized, ongoing spiritual discipline. “Introduction to Mussar” – a deep dive into a new translation and commentary on the classical musar text, “Pathways of Moral Leadership” [Orchot Tzadiqim].

    Classes are offered in-person and virtually through Zoom:
    • Wednesdays 10:30 – 11:45am Mountain Time/ 12:30 – 1:45pm Eastern (Class meets:  July 10, 17, 24, 31, Aug 7, 14, and 21)

      Instructor: Rabbi Jamie Arnold

      Register Now!

      See All Classes Taught By Rabbi Jamie Arnold

      What is Music?  Why is sound and music so central to practically all known cultural and spiritual traditions? What is the connection between music and prayer?  Between music and community-building? How can music help us add even more meaning to our lives and joyous awareness to our souls?

      Explore these and other questions in a special three-week series with Rabbi Jamie Arnold, who will draw both from his own study and experience as a musician as well as Joey Wesineberg’s book “the Torah of Music.”

      This 3-part Series will be offered in-person at Congregation Beth Evergreen (2981 Bergen Peak Dr.  Evergreen, CO) and virtually through Zoom:
      • Fridays 9:30 – 10:45am Mountain Time/ 11:30 – 12:45pm Eastern (Class dates:  Aug 9, 16, and 23)

        Instructor: Rabbi Jamie Arnold

        Register Now!

        See All Classes Taught By Rabbi Jamie Arnold

        The concept of soul transmigration was introduced into Judaism by the Kabbalah masters of France and Spain in the early twelfth century. Reincarnation speaks to our awareness of self-identity as it takes on new forms through different lifetimes. We explore the philosophic, scientific and spiritual understandings of reincarnation and offer the experience of a guided group regression for access to prior life experiences.

        Classes are offered in-person and virtually through Zoom:

        • Tuesdays 10:00-11:15am Mountain Time /12-1:15pm Eastern with Dr. David Sanders (class meets: July 9, 16, 23, 30, Aug 6, 13, and 20)
        Instructor: Dr. David Sanders

        Register Now

        See All Classes Taught By Dr. David Sanders

        Join Melanie Gruenwald and Elizabeth Rosenblum for a monthly sound bath meditation at Kabbalah Experience. Melanie will create ritual and context around the theme of the Jewish month, and Elizabeth will lead us in healing meditation.

        Most sessions will be around the new moon of each Jewish month.
        Sessions will be in-person at Kabbalah Experience
        All sessions will be held Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm:

        Winter/ Spring Dates:
        February 8
        March 7
        April 11
        May 23
        Cost: $27/ class; $100 for the series

        Register Now

        Special Classes and Electives Calendar