Level 2 Classes
Inner Transformation
The Kabbalah teaching of masks and essence (soul) helps you peel away your understanding of identity, roles, and selves. We explore the the stories behind the masks, the metaphor level of our lives, with practical work to transform the stories to ones that serve us best for our lifework and relationships. We recommend that you take these classes in sequence.
Who Are You?: In this first semester of Inner Transformation you are challenged to strip away your previous understandings of who you are and explore the relationship between your outer selves, inner selves and your essence. The Kabbalah teachings have a profound interest in revealing the masks (ie. selves, identifications, roles), you wear to ensure that you can answer the question: Are you wearing the mask or is the mask wearing you? What was oblivious now becomes obvious.
Classes are offered in person and virtually on Zoom
Tuesdays at 10:00-11:15am Moutain Time / 12:00-1:15pm Eastern with Melanie Gruenwald (Class Meets: Sept 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, and 19)
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See All Classes Taught By Melanie Gruenwald
We return to the Tree of Life (Space) and focus on the “abstract” story level of our lives through engaging in metaphor work. The key to this inquiry is the realization that we are all living inside of the metaphors (stories) we have created or have been created for us with the practical implication of choosing, modifying or changing those stories.
Classes are offered in person and virtually on Zoom
This course not offered Fall 2024.
The Kabbalah teaches us to find a balance between our memories of the past and living in the present and to plan for the future but not live in the future. “This hour and this moment in which you stand never existed before. Who knows what can be attained now?” Time is revisited as we work on a personal relationship with living in the present moment through the metaphors identified in Why Are You?