sunset with adam and eve in israel order of the world

This is the Order of the World

The Sages taught: On the day that Adam the first man was created, when the sun set upon him he said: Woe is me, as because I sinned, the world is becoming dark around me, and the world will return to the primordial state of chaos and disorder. And this is the death that was sentenced upon me from Heaven. He spent all night fasting and crying, and Eve was crying opposite him. Once dawn broke, he said: Evidently, the sun sets and night arrives, and this is the order of the world.

~ Avodah Zara 8a The William Davidson Talmud (Koren – Steinsaltz),

This is the order of the world.

From darkness to light, from brokenness to healing. And back again.

Over the past few weeks, we have experienced tremendous heartache about the state of the world. We are witnessing crises in health, climate, government and humanity. It is hard to find faith when all seems broken. Today, though, I am feeling a bit more light.


I had the opportunity to teach classes ‘Base of Awareness’ and ‘The Kabbalah of Mitch Albom’ over the past two days. As we find at Kabbalah Experience,  the conversations in these classes often intersect and reinforce one another.


In Base of Awareness, we explore the sefirot and Transformative Kabbalah awareness practices, from the bottom up. This week were focusing on the sefirah of Yesod, which connects us to present moment awareness, and the awareness of impermanence. You might recall this exercise- where we envision our day of death. Who are you with? Where are you? What are you doing? Does it involve being close to the people you love, experiencing the things you love? Saying the words of blessing, forgiveness, and gratitude that need to be said….? How do we incorporate those people and experiences into our every day. For every day should be lived like its your final day(?!)


Of course, we can’t fit all of our favorite things and people into one last day. We can’t put that day on rinse and repeat—living life like it’s our last day over and over again. However, we can see what patterns, principles and priorities can be incorporated into the rest of our lives.


Do you want to spend that final day connecting with people you love? Pick up the phone. Send a note or a text. Show up. Today.


Do you want to prioritize time enjoying your favorite foods? Eat more mindfully. Savor your eating experience. Stay off your phone while dining. Today.


We are reminded from this lesson and from current events, that nothing is permanent. The leaves change, they fall, the trees go bare…. Everything is in constant flux. It is all energy in motion. We don’t know about tomorrow- so let’s make choices for today that reflect our core values.


We can take a breath and identify—

What does this moment call from me?

What is my unique contribution to the world at this time?


We can identify actions, in this moment, that reflect our core truths values and beliefs.


This moment is constantly in flux- and with that a challenge or opportunity can morph. We can miss the chance to call a friend, note a sunset, compliment a stranger.


May this moment remind us darkness will reveal light. This crack can help us feel more connected. May we recognize ‘this is the order of the world’ and choose actions to create healing.


With blessings,




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