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Celebrating our differences: Jewish Disabilities Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM)

In February, we celebrate Jewish Disabilities Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month. (JDAIM). As the Executive Director of a forward-thinking organization, and having had a son with disabilities, I often feel like I know of what I speak. However, a well-meaning student highlighted ‘ableist’ language in a curriculum I shared, and Read more…

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Planting Hope

by Dr. David Sanders Carob is an acquired taste especially for a child.  Every year, in the winter, on the holiday of Tu b’Shevat (Festival of New Trees) we were treated to raw carob. Most of my classmates after one bite promptly spit it out. After years of doing the Read more…

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This past Shabbat, Rabbi Sarah Shulman, at Congregation Hebrew Educational Alliance in Denver, shared a teaching about Ecclesiastes (Kohelet). The Jewish community traditionally reads Ecclesiastes during Sukkot. Rabbi Shulman addressed the concept of dynamic obsolescence of the objects we acquire in our lives (like cell phones, refrigerators and computers) and Read more…