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Counting of the Omer: Week 3 Tiferet – A Harmonious Blueprint

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Week 3: Tiferet – A Harmonious Blueprint

A blueprint or plan harmonizes all input—takes into account all aspects and if it serves the manifestation of change—then it is harmonious and beautiful.

The first two weeks of our count have been preparation for this week of Tiferet (they were significant in themselves as creating the possibility of the plan for change that now takes shape). Tiferet represents the blueprint for the manifestation of anything into physical reality. In creating your blueprint/plan for change—this week is still a preparation for change.

The word Tiferet itself means beauty and by extension the energy of integration. Tiferet is often explained as the integration of Chesed and Gevurah (though Tiferet draws integration from all the Sefirot). Daniel Siegel, in his book Mindsight, suggests that integration “might be the principle underlying health at all levels of our experience from the microcosm of our inner world to our interpersonal relationships and life in our communities.” When there is not enough differentiation, then there is not enough connection resulting in an extreme of rigidity. When there is too much differentiation, there is no linkage resulting in an extreme of chaos.

Turning to the wisdom of the Kabbalah we now have two interesting notions to integrate; the unfolding and creating of differentiated yet open and linked ‘systems.’ I hope you can see that human beings are just that when they are ‘beautiful’—they are differentiated (Gevurah energy of self-defining, independent) and connected (Chesed energy of love); we call this a balanced Tiferet person—a person with compassion.

In our classes, we emphasize that Tiferet is the stage of the blueprint in the creation of all that comes into being. The integration of this concept is to see that a blueprint (for a human being, building, a tree or a company) integrates openness-connectivity and differentiation-boundaries to envision and create a flexible enough map for full (and healthy) manifestation.

Where are the Hebrew slaves on their journey away from Egypt toward freedom?

This week corresponds to their arrival at the oasis of Eilimah—where there were date palms and fresh springs in abundance. Your week may not feel so oasis-like, but it is a week for realizing that abundance is possible even in the desert, that change and freedom can become abundantly clear with a blueprint for action.

 Day 15: Chesed in Tiferet—The first day of the week of Tiferet is a check in on how the change (or shift) you are planning is based on love. If you have not specified what change you will want to create now is the time to select something and measure it against the criteria of loving kindness (to yourself and others).

Day 16: Gevurah in Tiferet —Gevurah is about focus and determination, and again you need to check in whether you now feel that this change is doable and that you have the determination to fulfill it. You can still modify the plan—limit it further or even add to it as long as you feel your determination will match your desire for change.

Day 17: Tiferet in Tiferet —Tiferet is the blueprint for change and how your plan for change takes into account the need for balance—both internally and with others. Now it is time to outline the plan. Be specific. The timeline is set for the seventh week of the count. That is the week where the change manifests, so be realistic. Do you want to test some of the plans by taking some steps toward change or wait to implement the change? The three weeks that follow are continuing to look at the commitment you have made to change.

Day 18: Netzach in Tiferet —Netzach is about trust in yourself that you can overcome any thoughts or emotions that are stirred up by your plan and remain determined to create change. Can I identify obstacles already as I set up the plan? Love and determination remain important allies to insure that obstacles can be overcome. On this day reflect on what obstacles you anticipate (next week you will engage with the obstacles—not just reflect on what you imagine them to be).

Day 19: Hod in Tiferet —Hod is about acknowledging limitations. Is your plan realistic or is a set up to fail! There is no shame in admitting that you can set too high expectations and lose your determination and wind up with a sense of inadequacy. So be realistic and acknowledge limitations.

Day 20: Yesod in Tiferet —Yesod is the foundation on which change can be actualized. Yesod is the final filter which tests your sincerity. Is this the person I aspire to be—and what will emerge if I implement change? As I go through the process of Netzach and Hod am I overreaching or not setting the bar high enough?

Day 21: Malchut in Tiferet —This final day of the third week of Tiferet is the manifestation of the plan. A plan is not manifesting the change itself but it serves as the blueprint for change, and the plan needs to be in writing.

1 Comment

scott vosburgh · August 15, 2017 at 4:02 am


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