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Counting of the Omer Week Three: Tiferet

“Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan.”  Paul Meyer

This is the week of Tiferet (Day 15 is Chesed in Tiferet which starts Saturday night and ends Sunday evening). The first two weeks of our count have been preparation for this week of Tiferet (they were significant in themselves as creating the possibility of the plan for change that will now take shape). We have taught that Tiferet represents the blueprint for the manifestation of anything into physical reality. In creating your blueprint/plan for change—this week is still a preparation for change. The manifestation of the change will occur in the final week of the count—the week of Malchut.

In discussing in class the use of the counting of the Omer as a ‘program’ for change some suggestions were made for us to consider:

  • When you enter the process of the counting of the Omer you do not need to have particulars about what you might want to change—this week you do, but to begin with you could reflect on the love you have or want to develop further for yourself and the determination you will have for change.
  • Is change always a result of dissatisfaction or could it be motivated by a desire to grow further without being rooted in dissatisfaction?
  • Are we talking about change or a shift in who we are? Mary Ann May suggested that shift refers to an internal ‘change’ while change manifests in external reality.

Counting of the Omer Week Three: Tiferet = Harmony or Beauty

A blueprint or plan harmonizes all input—takes into account all aspects and if it serves the manifestation of change—then it is beautiful.

Day 15: Chesed in Tiferet—The first day of the week of Tiferet is a check in on how the change (or shift) we are planning is based in love. If you have not specified what change you will want to create now is the time to select something and measure it against the criteria of living kindness (to yourself and others). If you had something in mind (I am thinking of three areas of change for myself) now it is time to re-evaluate, you can change your mind about what change is now best for you to engage in.

  • Exercise—and I have been specific that I want to aim for exercising three times a week. I see this as self love and love for others—a healthier and more vital me will give me more energy for all I do and allow me an outlet for stress and to have fun. It is also a time for me—I give so much, it is a time for me.
  • Being on time—I specified for classes and that is a realistic goal—but this change certainly reflects a shift in my monitoring how much I give (which then affects my ability to be on time).  I would like to be on time for all appointments and commitments. Being late creates a good deal of stress and this is not loving to my body, my emotions and my being. Others don’t find it very loving either.
  • Photo of the new family—a symbol of the new family we have established. There is now love but it has yet to manifest as a family portrait.

Day 16: Gevurah in Tiferet —Gevurah is about focus and determination and again we need to check in whether we now feel that this change is doable and that we have the determination to fulfill it. You can still modify the plan—limit it further or even add to it as long as you feel your determination will match your desire for change.

I may modify the plan next week but now I am determined to make the changes. I do not want to enlarge ‘being on time’ beyond the commitment to do so for class (and all of you will be my witness) and hope to enjoy that change before extending it to all of my commitments.

Day 17: Tiferet in Tiferet —Tiferet is the blueprint for change and how your plan for change takes into account the need for balance—both internally and with others. Now it is time to outline the plan in more detail. Be specific. The timeline is set for the seventh week of the count. That is the week where the change manifests, so be realistic. Do you want to test some of the plan by taking some steps toward change or you can wait to implement the change? The three weeks that follow are continuing to look at the commitment you have made to change.

  • Exercise—I will either join a healthclub or on my own choose days and times to exercise. As I am thinking about this change Ed Stein’s comic strip came through loud and clear:
  • Being on time—this of course necessitates ending on time as well = a shift in how I manage discussion in class.
  • Chose the photographer, need to set a day when everyone is available and have a back-up date in case an issue arises.

Day 18: Netzach in Tiferet —Netzach is about trust in yourself that you can overcome any thoughts or emotions that are stirred up by your plan and remain determined to create change. Can I identify obstacles already as I set up the plan? Love and determination remain important allies to insure that obstacles can be overcome but this day reflect on what obstacles you anticipate (next week you will engage with the obstacles—not just reflect on what you imagine them to be).

Day 19: Hod in Tiferet —Hod is about acknowledging limitations. Is your plan realistic or is a set up to fail! There is no shame in admitting that we can set too high expectations and lose both our determination and wind up with a sense of an inadequacy regarding love. So be realistic and acknowledge limitations (should I consider exercising twice a week—is that more realistic?).

Day 20: Yesod in Tiferet —Yesod is the foundation on which change can will be actualized. Yesod is the final filter which tests your sincerity. Is this the person I aspire to be—and what will emerge if I am this new person? As I went through the process of Netzach and Hod and I am overreaching or not setting the bar high enough? It still feels for me that the three goals I have set are what I want.

Day 21: Malchut in Tiferet —This final day of the third week of Tiferet is the ‘manifestation’ of the plan. A plan is not manifesting the change itself but it serves as the blueprint of change. The plan needs to be in writing (you can choose if you want to post it somewhere or share it with others—by making it public you are declaring this is my plan for change).

David Sanders

P.S. Change creates a shift and a shift creates change. It may be useful to look at how changing will impact an internal shift and what internal shifts may be required in order for change to be lasting.




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