Your blueprint is set down on paper and you have “signed off.” A blueprint or plan though is just a map, an outline for growth. You may have started down a path and begin to see the obstacles that you encounter or create. Choices abound and there are many potential course corrections.
Questions that often arise when looking at change are: Am I really ready? Am I capable of sticking to the change or will I revert back to old patterns? What will others think about my blueprint for change?
A student in class this morning was honest in saying: “I don’t want to change—I like my denial!”
Netzach is usually translated as victory—a sense of personal efficacy in one’s capacities to overcome any and every obstacle. Your task each day for this week of Netzach is to reflect on the obstacles (both internal and external) that will derail your plan for change and how to overcome them.
Day 22 – Chesed in Netzach
On the day of Chesed we return to the feeling of self-love and the love of others. An interesting way of looking at loyalty is to not only look at it from a perspective of loyalty to someone or something outside of you but rather to yourself. Then loyalty to self contains the aspect of self-love. An obstacle to change is loyalty—to old patterns, to people or a community (outside and inside you) who are not ready to ‘release’ you. Loyalty is a very powerful emotion, an obstacle to overcome if it holds us back from moving forward.
Day 23 – Gevurah in Netzach
Gevurah is self-determination and therefore we set aside loyalty to others and commit to ‘loyalty to self.’ The obstacle to overcome today is the sense of isolation-loneliness and the sense of selfishness. Change as self-expression may feel disloyal and threaten our sense of connectedness to others and even to ourselves.
Day 24 – Tiferet in Netzach
Today we take out the blueprint to look at it in light of the obstacles we anticipate or are already dealing with. How do we transform our relationship to obstacles and see them now as part of a reformulation of our blueprint. In a general sense the obstacles are there to help crystallize a plan that will work. Tomorrow we can look more specifically at the actual obstacles and see how they will help you realize your goals. Regarding my three areas of change I am already seeing obstacles and people are making note of starting class on time (or not). Do I respond with defensiveness or do I alter my plan? I have to rethink what my strategies are to make my plan work? In the background is my slef-love and my determination, now I must confront the obstacles.
Day 25 – Netzach in Netzach
Overcoming the obstacle to overcoming obstacles! This paradox is simply resolved in seeing that obstacles are really there to help you in your plan for growth. The greater the obstacle, the greater the reward.
So my plan right now, right in this moment, is to finish this blog in enough time for me to be on time for my next class. I have three more entries to complete and eight minutes to accomplish it.
Day 26 – Hod in Netzach
What are your limits in overcoming obstacles? Surrender is not giving up or even giving in—it is giving way. The best approach at times is not to meet the force head on, just move to the side. This requires not only humility but also determination to seek a way around obstacles.
I must acknowledge my limitations and not persist with the battle if the battle is not to be overcome. I now have six minutes (or I will just need to finish this later).
Day 27 – Yesod in Netzach
Yesod is the filter through which we measure our integrity. Obstacles are the greatest challenge and the greatest assurity to measuring our integrity. On that basis I create a foundation for change. The changes I chose remain important and will be a measure of my integrity to the process of change. Need to leave now to be on time!
Day 28 – Malchut in Netzach
This week is still not action but contemplating those obstacles that need to be released or removed. It is now a day to rest assured in your own capacity to move forward, to overcome obstacles. The vision of freedom has been strengthened by the need to confront impediments to growth, recognize the stumbling blocks and move past them.