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Dear KE Community

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Dear KE Community;


Amidst all the challenging and tragic news it is easy to fall into despair about our human journey. We need to keep at the work we are engaged in—the more aware we are of the absolute necessity for us to evolve spiritually the more chance we have to survive. This is an interesting take on the idea that our mission is not merely to survive; survival is predicated upon our maturing spiritually.


In the spaces between summer classes we have been planning the next year of Kabbalah study and I wanted to update you on some new and exciting opportunities.


Fall classes start on Monday September 29th but fall Kabbalah study begins on Monday September 15th—see (below) our special program entitled Free Fall Festival of Learning.  (Click here to learn more.) 


This fall we welcome back Dr. Lorell Frysh who will be teaching 3 classes on Meditation and Mysticism across spiritual traditions and a special class on the Enneagram and Kabbalah. Susan Kaplan will reprise her teaching on Communication as a Spiritual Practice. We are honored to welcome Rabbi Jamie Arnold from Evergreen as a KE teacher. He will be teaching an Introduction to Kabbalah class and a special class in his area of expertise: Mussar and Kabbalah. Lili Zohar and Dr. David Sanders will offer some mini classes as well in late October.


Every year the curriculum evolves and this year is no exception with two new classes for students who are continuing beyond the core years of study. They are: Developing Awareness and Advancing to the Beginning. Students have been suggesting for a while that it would be very useful to return to the early concepts learned and now, with years of study, revisit them as a way to integrate and elevate their learning and themselves.


Classes in the fall will also be longer! Each class will now be 75 minutes (a consistent suggestion from your class evaluations) and will span 10 weeks (so overall more class time for the same tuition).


KE’s Free Fall Festival of Learning: Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi—known to all as Reb Zalman died on July 3rd. We were honored that he dedicated Kabbalah Experience four years ago when we moved to our current location at the Goldberger Center. To honor him and his significant contributions to spiritual leaning I am excited to announce that we welcome you back to Kabbalah study before the start of the fall semester. Starting on Monday September 15th-Thursday the 18th we will offer a full line-up of classes—each class will be on the topic of the class in the fall but will have as its focus a teaching from Reb Zalman. This week of classes, which we are calling our first Free Fall Festival, is an opportunity for you to come to as many classes as you wish, check out teachers and courses you may not have considered before and invite new students to join in. We will also have a free film night on Tuesday September 16th at 7:30—showing the film The Jew in the Lotus in which Reb Zalman is featured as he meets with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala and some other special events. Mark your calendars now for this exciting opportunity.


Best wishes for a healthy and spiritually active summer,


P.S. Registration for fall is now open (click here to learn more) and you will be receiving the full schedule of special classes for the Free Fall Festival of Learning in August.



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