Get My Drift

It has been an unusually cold and snowy few weeks and we have had to cancel some classes and programs.  Last Thursday night, despite heavy snow, the show went on as we welcomed Rabbi Joe Black, the new Rabbi at Temple Emanuel, as our penultimate speaker for Kabbalah Live!  We grant latitude to our speakers to present as they know best—so Rabbi Black spoke through his music, songs written by him, twanging off his (black) guitar through ‘western’ Cat Steven’s like vocals.

Most performers stay in their comfort zone—Rabbi Black traverses between his published and unpublished songs; the unpublished ones reflecting personal stories of places he has encountered on his travels.  Rabbi Black has a gift for receiving ‘gifts’– songs that just come to him from a source unknown.

In Kabbalah we call that source ‘no-thing’, for wisdom (Chochmah) comes from no-thingness.  That is why we can’t place it.  The source is beyond our thoughts and emotions.

We look forward to inviting Rabbi Black (for those of us who enjoyed and for those of who missed) back.

Our final Kabbalah Live! Speaker, Carlotta Lanier, joins us Thursday March 3.  In Colorado over the winter there is no guarantee for an easy commute— once you make it though we do our best to make the room warm and welcoming and the conversation a gift from a higher source.

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