Kabbalah & Tim Tebow

Tebow did it again. Whether he and the Broncos win or lose from here on, I want to share what I experienced in the ending moment of last week’s game. It contained so many basic teachings from the Kabbalah.

Last week as I watched the clock wind down on the Denver Broncos, I, as I am sure many others thought, the phenomenon ends here.  And then Tebow did it again. Whether he and the Broncos win or lose from here on, I want to share what I experienced in the ending moment of last week’s game.  It contained so many basic teachings from the Kabbalah. I highlight a few.

1.     Our task: turn darkness into light

In our anticipation of Chanukah, it is the season to be thinking about the miraculous and transforming darkness into light.  The darker it seems the more light can penetrate. Tebow and the Broncos have a unique way of pulling out victory from the most dark, improbable circumstances.  While football is a game, it is also part of life—and the ability to remain positive in the face of darkness is a part of tikkun (repairing the world). The light shines even brighter when we face the darkness.

2.     Predictable miracles

It takes a billion things for any one thing to occur. So many things have to go “right” and go “wrong”. It is not always clear what is right and wrong—but we can point to what happens and does not happen. So many things occurred in the last two minutes of the game (and then in the overtime period) that created the outcome. In football, they call it the two-minute warning. For Tebow and the Broncos it might better be called the two-minute opportunity. The miraculous is about how it all coordinates; the timing, the happenings and the darkness with the light. Then we take a further step in awareness and see the miraculous in it all.

3.     Present moment awareness

The past is not material, the future is not material. What matters is the next play. Take care of that and the next play. And the next.  Football strategy may include sequencing of plays but each play is its own present moment. Tebow has an instinct for getting as far up the field as possible in the present (waning) moments of the game. When that is exhausted then his next play is to leave it for others to lend their hand (or foot) to the cause of advancing the ball or scoring.

Enjoy the winter break and the holidays. It is the darkest time of the year to enjoy the light, the miracles and the present moment.

Mark your calendars for upcoming events: KE Live with Tina Collen this Thursday night at 7:30, Intro to Kabbalah for new students Monday December 19th 6-7 pm and the KE Chanukah party Tuesday December 27th 6-8 pm all at the Goldberger Center.

Visit the Kabbalah Experience Website to learn more about our classes and events.


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