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Oil that Sparkles

No matter how sophisticated we get, no matter where our science and technology boldly goes, there is a principle of physical reality that will never change. The lyrics of the song are:  You can’t start a fire without a spark. You also can’t start a fire without something to burn.  Whether you use wax candles or place wicks in oil on Chanukah, you need the raw material these substances provide in order to sustain the flame. A spark needs it kindling as much as the kindling needs it spark.

The spark that ignited the flame of Kabbalah Experience was a simple request by a friend eight years ago—I would like to learn with you, what would you like to teach? That question has led to the development of a two year core curriculum, advanced kabbalah study and our ever growing faculty, now numbering seven.

Is there a miraculous aspect to the oil that has now sustained the spark of Kabbalah Experience for eight years? We rely on oil in the form of tuition income from classes and programs but that would not be enough to keep the doors open and certainly not enough to offer scholarships. What has also sustained us and allowed us to grow are donations and grants. The generosity of our Board of Directors, students and people from our community is remarkable. I would like to specifically thank Rose Community Foundation for our latest significant grant from them. Our Jewish community is particularly blessed with the Allied Jewish Federation and Rose Foundation’s commitment to their Jewish Life program area. Without their vision and support, Kabbalah Experience (and many other organizations and institutions) could not share their light with so many others.

While donations remain an important fuel for us, there is nothing more valuable to us than being able to share the spark of spiritual learning. Share the light and refer someone to begin their kabbalah studies. Spiritual transformation is a good New Year’s resolution. Classes begin January 9th.

David Sanders


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