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Hearing Voices

Let our voices be heard.  Maybe a new phrase we can adopt is Think Global. Be Vocal.  How appropriate then that the winner of Best Film of 2011 is The King’s Speech. As the King states in utter frustration: “I have a right to be heard. I have a voice!”

I want to start a discussion then on how we listen and also how we are heard.  In one of our classes this week we discussed being heard and listening and agreed that not interrupting another by cutting them off or by bringing the conversation away from the speaker to you, is sound advice.

Can we share with each other some insights about listening and being heard? Please add your voice.

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1 Comment

anita · December 12, 2018 at 4:41 pm

The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace- Excellent book-
by M. Scott Peck

‘The overall purpose of human communication is – or should be – reconciliation. It should ultimately serve to lower or remove the walls of misunderstanding which unduly separate us human beings, one from another. . ‘ Although we have developed the technology to make communication more efficient and to bring people closer together, we have failed to use it to build a true global community. Dr M. Scott Peck believes that if we are to prevent civilization destroying itself, we must urgently rebuild on all levels, local, national and international and that is the first step to spiritual survival. In this radical and challenging book he describes how the communities work, how group action can be developed on the principles of tolerance and love, and how we can start to transform world society into a true community

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