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Hineni, Hineni

by Melanie Gruenwald

According to the Torah reading over Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish new year)- Abraham is called on by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Abrahamā€™s response to God is ā€œHineni,ā€ or in English, ā€œI am here.ā€ And when Isaac calls to his father to understand what is happening, Abraham responds again, ā€œHineni.ā€ Godā€™s angels call to Abraham to stop the sacrifice of his son- ā€œAbraham, Abrahamā€ and Abraham replies- ā€œHineni. I am here.ā€

Hineni is more than a physical showing-up. It is a full-on, spiritual, physical, intentional showing- up. What does it mean to show up fully, to say Hineni?

Hineni is eye-contact. Vulnerability. Active listening. And leaning into the maybe.

Hineni can be uncomfortable and unsettling. It can be striking up a conversation with a complete stranger. Hineni might mean taking ā€˜the path less travelled.ā€™ Hineni means authenticity, masks (for safety), vaccines, calculating risk versus reward, and caring for complete strangers. It means looking away from our phones when in the presence of others, and not walking across the street (or driving!) with our face in a screen. Hineni, I am here.

Hineni means self-awareness and self-care. Hineni means showing up for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communitiesā€”even when it is not convenient. It means recognizing our core values, and checking if our actions- and our inactions- reflect the strength of our values.

Iā€™m reading a book right now, called The Gift of Maybe, by Allison Carmen. One of the lessons that I am taking from this book- is not fearing what can go wrong, but imagining what possibly can go right. Rather than thinking something has to go the way I envisioned it, I can explore the possibilities when life takes a different path. Rather than feeling stuck when life throws me challenges, I see there is hope in uncertainty. Rather than looking away when I see someone that makes me uncomfortable- I can look at them in the eyes and ask if theyā€™re doing okay at this moment. Hineni.

What is the power of Hineni?

Hineni is a moment of standing tall and stating our full presence. Hineni signals ā€œIā€™m all in.ā€

In the Yom Kippur liturgy, the cantor sings a prayer called Hineni. S/he states his/her readiness to pray to God on the congregationā€™s behalf. You might also be familiar with Leonard Cohenā€™s song, You want it Darker, released 19 days before his death in November of 2016, where he sings ā€œHineni, hineniā€¦. Iā€™m ready, my Lordā€.

What does it mean to stand ready? What is Hineni in this ever-changing world of an endless pandemic, wars ending, womenā€™s rights being taken away, the environment being destroyed, kids without access to education, more and more people without homes, food insecurity, and ongoing uncertainty?

My hope for each of us, is that we learn to stand and say Hineni to ourselves, to one another, our communities and to all living things.

Hineni, I am here for you. Hineni, I have time to talk, and to really listen. Hineni, I can make time to take action in this broken world that needs tending to. Hineni, I can make time to sit, reflect, breathe, and not always be doing.

How will you show up this year?
How will you say Hineni?




Samm Tyler · September 9, 2021 at 4:50 pm

Dear Melanie, thank you so much for your email. I am presently working to produce a series that takes place during World War II. I feel as if Iā€™m in research all the time. It is hugely important to me and for the people(generations of shared stories) that asked me to write it. We have been rated AAA as well as streaming. Itā€™s everything I can do to keep Hollywood from changing what really happened. But we are winning. Please feel free to send me anything and everything that you have to share. As well as stories. Always, with love.Samm Tyler

Alyson · September 10, 2021 at 7:40 am

Centering ourselves in the present moment and breathing fully into that moment is crucial right now as we are being battered by the hurricane winds of change. Thank you Melanie for this soulful and meaningful reflection which resonates as truth for these times.

Dean Kehmeier · October 11, 2021 at 10:43 am

Wonderful. That came out of a trial by fire. Thank you, thank you.

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