Live, learn, connect with the enduring teachings & wisdom of Kabbalah.

Small group learning, self study, and greater awareness.

What our curriculum looks like

No class will ever be exactly the same, and the inclusive environment allows for open conversations in intimate class atmospheres. The teachings, practices and guidance help students mindfully live and grow in their everyday lives.


Group Study


KE board meeting

Kabbalah Experience inspires people to connect with themselves in greater awareness through a curriculum of the soul- to examine who they are and how they can be creative forces in the evolution of consciousness.

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Project 2025 book cover

Project 2025

by Dr. David Sanders I have a general rule when it comes to the length of books I am willing to read. I don’t remember how this personal rule started. It may have been the three times I tried to read the entirety of Robert Pirsig’s classic, Zen and the

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choosing choise

Fourth of July: A time of choosing

by Melanie Gruenwald My husband and I were in the mountains this past week, enjoying the Colorado summer. It’s  a gift to live here, and to have time to bike, hike and explore together. We have been married almost 23 years. We’ve learned to navigate both quiet and busy and

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tiferet- holding opposites

H2O: Holding Opposites

by David Sanders Dedicated to Robin Glickstein   Ten years ago we introduced into our curriculum a course on Holding Opposites. Within a year, the course was developed into a year-long curriculum. Many students have told me that what is taught in Holding Opposites indelibly informs their thinking and their

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Spiritual eye in cosmos