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Day 33 – Hod in Hod

Today is called Lag B’Omer—the 33rd day of the Omer. It is the day that according to tradition Rabbi Shimeon bar Yochai, the great mystic of the first century died. His students wanted him to hold on—to not surrender to death. On his deathbed he revealed secrets he had not Read more…

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Day 30 – Gevurah in Hod

Gevurah is self-determination, self-definition.  Today it is time to limit your acceptance, to say—I am limited but I can still….Knowing who you are defines yourself and your limitations and it also creates an awareness that there are new capabilities, new possibilities yet to emerge. You are not shying away from Read more…

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Day 27 – Yesod in Netzach

For each week’s Sefirah you can ask yourself on this day of Yesod, have I done the inner work needed…to overcome obstacles to implementing my (evolving) blueprint for change?  Yesod as foundation is be in integrity with the conflicting feelings of loyalty and know that you have considered all options Read more…

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Day 25 – Netzach in Netzach

Overcoming the obstacle to overcoming obstacles!  This paradox is simply resolved in seeing that obstacles are really there to help you in your determination for growth.  A steep set of stairs or ingrained internal resistances (defenses, excuses, rationalizations) are in the end not obstacles to change.  The greater the obstacle, Read more…