Welcome Rodger and Dreamwork to Denver

item20630In the excitement of a day off due to the “storm” I had an extra day to work on the LIST of my procrastinations. Patti Levine suggested that I share an example or two of what I am working on during this year’s counting of the Omer. I have not been procrastinating about it, having not shared it yet, rather deciding what I can share when my “P” list includes calling a dying man, getting my passport renewed and addressing my health. I did though yesterday clean out a closet, finding in the process a book I had been looking for, met with a friend I have been trying to see for six months and getting done the myriad tasks of the day.  Then there was the blog—and as often happens I sit back, close my eyes and let it come through.


So last night, after the girls were asleep, I googled, “What you don’t know about Rodger Kamenetz?”


I have never thought to put into a search such a question—I smiled as the words started aligning with the google search program—I am not the first person to type “What you don’t know about…”


For Kamenetz it took a full 30 seconds (for google searches that is like driving to Glenwood from Denver) and revealed 55,400 results. Now I had intriguing articles to read with titles such as “Three Herons and a New Year,” and this quote from Rodger: “Jews belong to the oldest book club in the world—we’ve been reading every week the same stories for a thousand years.”


The entry though that caught my eye: “Dreaming with Rodger Kamenetz” and the quote in that article leapt from the page—I had been preparing for class and just finished reading that section in the Zohar:


“I would say that the authors of the Zohar clearly had a huge experience in the imaginal realm through dreaming or active imagination. They didn’t read Torah as stories or laws; they understood that those were the outer garment. But the naked body of Torah was something underneath which they found in the text through using imagination. Their experience of dreams informed their reading. If we don’t have a rich or deep experience of dreams, then our reading of Torah will be superficial. It’s like eating the bread wrapper instead of the bread.”


Today is the first day of the third week of the counting of the Omer—the week of Tiferet in which we create the blueprint for change—this year we are focusing on changing our relationship with procrastination. The night of our event—where we will learn more about what we don’t know about Rodger Kamenetz and about ourselves—is Tiferet in Tiferet. Whatever else you are working on this Omer count—don’t procrastinate—come join us and welcome Rodger and Dreamwork to Denver.



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